Thursday, January 27, 2011

Season Meat - What do I do?

If I follow Christ, it's good for me, going to the pool water of a public park, public beach or public (the key word here is "public")? In this day and time, public sunbathing, swimming, public areas and immodest or inappropriate clothing seemed to be related. Even if we do not place that can directly answer this specific question, we find the divine principles that our behavior with regard to public places must go on the above,With our "public water clothes.

Let's start with the basic premise, and verify the truth of the Scriptures to see the things that gives) us (1 Tim 6.17 and God Want to enjoy an active public waters in the wrong way, for themselves. If, instead, commits the Christian faithful in this type of public activity, the members of the world to attend and participate as well. So we know that we will face the!

clothing is in the secular world, and we all know that a "secular Bikini" less fuel than the average child's sock in it! This reality, the true followers of Christ the problems.

Lust of the flesh. Public supply water activities with people who dressed "scantily", and many (if not most) of their flesh will be made complete. Jesus said, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman lustfully has committedAdultery with her in his heart "(Mt 5:28) Consider the book of James on the possible course of pleasure." Then, when the passion you have conceived, gives birth to sin. Too bad, when it is finished, bringeth forth death "(James 1:15) Who should be weak in this area are to refrain from public sunbathing and water sports.

indecent clothing worn by a Christian. "Likewise also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shame andSobriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly array "(1 Tm 2:9) modest clothing for men and women, and we always ensure that the modest, appropriate clothing and appropriate. Who, as ambassador Jesus Christ, Christian Paul wrote. "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, I beseech you worthy of the calling with which you are called to walk" (Eph. 4:1).

If we are shameless in our clothes, we can delight in the world afterus. I have seen Christians forget this simple principle and clothing in a desire that others may cause. Jesus said, "But who is this one of these little ones who believe in insulting me, it would be better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and sank into the depths of the sea" (Mt 18.06).

If we are shameless in our clothes, we can make the world believe that their interpretation is not permissible in the eyes of God, that "approval" of itsImmodesty. One of the most common comments I hear is lost, "I do not see any difference in my life, and a style of Christian life." This is a sad impression that many Christians have created, and it is shameful.

If a Christian in public for sunbathing, swimming, water sports and public opinion? I can not answer that question for you, but if the meat to the temptation of lust, you should not go.Peter wrote: "Beloved, I beseech you as strangers and foreigners, without fromf leshly lusts, which war against the soul" (1 Peter 2:11). If they refuse to cover the meat itself, you should not go (remember I am talking about public participation, not in a private facility).

Mike, I have no problem with the lust of the flesh, and I want my family to the beach for an audience - what should I wear? I advise you to expose only the legs belowknees and arms. Therefore, "the knee shorts and t-shirt, not the legs above the knee or upper body (abdomen, back). And ladies, I would also recommend any type of neoprene Aqua Socks. Research shows that some men" fetishism foot "and send it to lustful thoughts of women to see your feet. Now, some of our fraternity to denigrate me my comments in this article, and can take the blame for the states that permissiveEnd of a Christian going to the beach, a public, but I can not answer for another person in relation to this. I can only point to the word of God and on my best to biblical counseling (1 Peter 4:11) bid.

Sometimes we did not, honestly face the center of the problem ... Christian people, especially young people engage in water in the summer, and want to know what is appropriate wear. If you go to, so be awareThe temptations, your own weaknesses and modest dress. Cover the skin and protect your review!

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