Friday, January 28, 2011

It's a Summer For Stay-cations and Virtual Vacations

Between our gas prices and the economy today many people are being forced to come up with alternative options to their traditional summer vacations.

We want to share some of our Stay-cations and Virtual Vacations. There are some great ways to get that "time away" and yet save money, gas and bond with the family at the same time.

This was the era of family summer vacations, where we experienced things first hand, as that was the only way to do so. Dad got two weeks off from work and the kids didn't have to go back to school until after Labor Day. August was vacation month and families packed up the car and got to see this great country of ours, not the man-made resorts of today. We are so happy that we got to come across country 23 years ago. To this day, we still talk about the trip and the phenomenal places we got to see. Of course, all captured in pictures!

Want to see the country without leaving your home, why not watch some great travelogues, one of our favorites is Sightseeing Along The Roads to Romance, which is filled with wonderful road trips around this great country of ours. From New York to California and states in between you will be entertained, and get to see sites you might have missed. So sit back, relax and enjoy the views, without leaving home. Or sit back and enjoy The New York World's Fair 1964-1965 with your family from the comfort of your home. I know I loved revisiting the Fair. I lived in Queens, NY at the time and got to see it firsthand, and had a wonderful time watching it all over again.

After watching, I am sure you will want to pack up the family and go on more "virtual road trips" around this great country.

Another great way to have some family fun is Camping At Home. You heard me, get out those sleeping bags, tents, and camping equipment and set them up in your backyard. Make a weekend of it or longer if you wish. If you don't have the yard to do it in, check out some of the alternatives in your area or campgrounds close to home. KOA has a ton of campgrounds around the country. For those of you without the camping gear KOA also offers cabins to rent.

While on your camping trip do something different, by bringing your radio (that plays CDs) and play some old time radio shows like we did years ago before television. Lots of eerie options in the old time radio realm, like Inner Sanctum Mysteries, Lights Out and more.

Not into camping but want to spend some quality time with the children, how about a movie night where every family member gets to pick a film and then take turns watching their choices. Why not pick some nostalgic movies to show your children how things used to be. Some ideas are: Drive In Movie Favorites, Kids Will Love Vintage Puppies, Kittens, Rabbits & More, Vintage Movie Trailers, Fashions of the Past, Soundies of the 1940s: The First Music Videos and so much more.

Bring out the popcorn or your favorite treat, sick back and have a grand time.

Another great way to have some family fun is with games. Designate one or more nights a week this summer as Game Nights.

I can remember the Saturday Game Nights growing up where we got out the Monopoly game, Scrabble, Parcheesi, puzzles, card games and in later years Risk. If we ran out of time, the game was set aside and we picked it up the next weekend or game night we had.

How about buying some Paint by Numbers and have a night painting. Another option is a night of puzzle. The whole family is involved and put the puzzle together as a family all at the beginning of a turnaround.

Designate one or more nights this summer, and then try to bring in the autumn, when the children are back in school, you get some 'time together and have fun at the same time.

So the stay-tion-site or you can take a virtual holiday this year. Whatever you decide on a"wonderful time with your family".

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