Monday, December 20, 2010

Vacationing on a Budget

There is no denying that the economy is bad, and that the current situation is taking its toll on many Americans. But does this mean your life has to stop? Does this mean you have to stay inside all day and save your money? Of course not. You can still have fun even if the economy is going through a rough patch. Believe it or not, vacationing on a budget is more than possible.

Some people don't know the concept of a cheap vacation. They think the only way to have fun is to pay the first price they see, and spend, spend, spend when they reach their destination. Fortunately, this is far from the truth.

The following tips can make vacationing on a budget tons of fun:

1. Use the internet to search for deals. Sites such as,, and are great for finding the best deals on airfare, lodging, and car rentals. To go along with this, many of these sites also offer vacation packages that are sure to save you some money. For instance, Expedia is in the process of pushing their "Winter Sale" packages which offer hotel and flight to many popular destinations for $278 per person.

2. Before you ever start planning your vacation you should first set your budget. Do you know how much money you can comfortably spend? Your budget should be set from the beginning so you don't get in over your head. If possible, begin to plan and budget for your trip a couple months in advance. This will help to ensure an accurate and efficient process.

3. Meals can be expensive. Have you ever thought about packing food to take with you on vacation? This is an idea you don't want to overlook. If you are driving this is a particularly good idea. To go along with this, once you reach your destination you should head for the grocery store instead of a five star restaurant. You may spend a lot of money on groceries, but the fact of the matter is that they can last you a long time.

4. Travel with others. Have you ever thought about asking another family to join you on vacation? By doing this you will cut your costs in half from the word go. Does it get any easier than that? When you vacation with another family you can save on everything from gas to lodging.

5. Don't be married to one destination. Remember, not every vacation destination is as expensive as the next. For instance, if you live on the east coast of the United States it will be much less expensive to vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina than Los Angeles, California. Not only is it closer to your home base, but once you arrive you will be able to save money as well. Even though you may be interested in taking your dream vacation now may not be the best time to do so. Instead, opt for destinations that are known to be more budget friendly.

6. Drive don't fly. For many, the cost of airfare is the expense that breaks their budget. Why let this happen to you? There are bound to be many top notch vacation destinations within driving distance. And with gas prices lower than they have been in a while you can surely save a lot of money. For more information on gas prices and planning your trip visit

7. Hotels can be expensive. If you really want to save money on lodging you should consider camping out. No matter where you are traveling, as long as the weather is warm you can opt for camping as opposed to spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on lodging. If you have your own equipment all you have to do is pay for the site which can be as little as a few bucks per night. For more information on campgrounds in the United States visit

8. When you arrive at your destination don't feel obligated to spend money like most tourists. Instead, opt for free or cheap entertainment. There is nothing wrong with sitting on the beach or at the pool. Not only is this fun, but it will not cost you a dime. Of course, you may get the urge to scour the area and there is nothing wrong with this. Just make sure you opt for activities that fit your budget.

Now do you believe that vacationing on a budget is possible? The above tips and links are all you need to plan a vacation even when the economy is on a downswing and the so-called experts are telling you to tighten your belt.

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