Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 Tips on Building a Chess Strategy

When coming up with a strategy to playing any game you need to keep important things in mind. This includes knowing where each piece can and cannot move to and many other key things. In this article I will give you key things to note when coming up with an effective chess strategy.

When the game starts, do no hold back and save your pieces for the end. Get them out aggressively keeping in mind the reason behind that move. As you play, keep on developing your pieces to reach your goal which could be cornering a king or queen.

The pawns are your guards in chess; they protect your queen and other important pieces therefore if you don't protect them you will lose all of them. When this happens you have no security and you end up losing the game. With this in mind, protect these weak pieces which in turn will keep your queens safe because two queens are stronger than a single queen.

To be able to move and capture most pieces, take control of the four centermost spaces. If your pieces are in this area you have an advantage over your opponent and you can easily move to his side and attack his Queens or Kings.

In a tricky game like chess you will need to plan ahead of your opponent. Even before it's your turn to play ask yourself what if my opponent moves here? What will be my next move? Make sure you also have a plan B in case he goes the other way. Analyzing the game ahead of time and remembering his previous moves will keep on top of the game.

When playing, you have to know which pieces are most valuable in terms of points. The pawns which hold the least value are equivalent to 1 point. Bishops and knights are equivalent to 3 points each. The rooks are 5 points while the most valuable Queen is equivalent to 9 points. In this game the king does not hold any point because he cannot be sacrificed.

Most people usually focus on getting the opponents piece. Little do they know that it is a set up, or that move will give your opponent an advantage. To avoid this, search the whole board while analyzing why he left that piece for you to take. If you notice the trap he has set, leave the piece where it is because it is not worth it.

If you realize you are doing well and all your pieces are in good position or you have been cornered in every possible way do not relax. For you to eventually win you will need to move those pieces from the good position to the end therefore you need to think. Relaxing and thinking you are in control is a recipe for losing. Think of where you could move because when you relax the mind cannot spot opportunities.

As you play chess, the key is to stay alert and remember these basic ways and improve your strategy.

Why Athletes Experience Fear

Although there are numerous reasons why athletes experience fears, some of the biggest fears are created because of a lack of timing in sports. Timing is the synchronization of the communication between your mind and body. When this communication is On then you'll experience a perfect performance in training and during competition. When this timing is Off you'll experience fears, doubts, self sabotage, negatives and a poor mental focus.

Remember when you've had days where everything seems to be On, in the Flow or you are in the Zone? Well in those days it seems that everything that you do will almost be done perfectly without any problems whatsoever.

On those days your internal timing is working at a 100% level and this is what creates this feeling of being in the Zone or Flow in your training or during competition.

Here is what happens when your fears come into the picture:

1. If your timing is Off then the communications between your mind and body even slightly off will create a negative feeling because all of the information from your mind to the body doesn't get through because of a so-called electrical short that prevents this from occurring.

2. As soon as this interference happens then your mind has no choice but to go and retrieve a possible solution to this lack of communication.

3. Although your mind has a choice of going positive or negative, it will 99% of the time chooses a negative thought, feeling or fear to cling on up.

4. Once your mind then this fear is a negative tendency to have a little feeling of uncertainty about everything that you try to run or practice your sport.

Now athletes know this kind of feeling and hope that all their training into the situation, a positive feeling that they can achieve levels of performance throughout the competition.

What works and plays at the right time for the competition.

Once the athletesknow about how to eliminate and control this process then they'll be able to control the outcome of any training or performance to their very best level.

PEI Golf Resorts Rank Among The World's Best

It has been said that from the air, Prince Edward Island might appear to be one giant golf course. It is truly a golfer's paradise, really. Our intimate Island may well be small, in fact the smallest province in Canada, but it is nothing if not big on hospitality and Prince Edward Island is often said to offer the best golf experiences in the country. In fact, it's been voted the best golf experience not once, but two years in a row.

It could well be the rolling greens, or it could be the sand and water traps alternating with woodlots that give our courses that distinction. Or it could be the vistas that extend for miles, melting into the horizon. Or it may well be the fact that you can easily spend your entire vacation doing nothing but hitting the links - and still want to return again and again.

There are, after all, no fewer than 30 courses that extend from coast to coast on our cozy Gentle Island; you have the pleasure of experiencing a uniquely beautiful Of course, every day. Or two in one day, you should do so. And Prince Edward Island golf courses are as varied as the designers behind them and how the golfer to vary.

Our Elite Golf Resort includes links to revered Crowbush Cove. 18 holes over 6,901 yards with nine water holes and eight holes near the famous dunes of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Crowbush Cove is popular with golfers from all over the world. The Resort 5-star rating from Golf Digest and is the courseis listed among the "Sweet Sixteen" top courses worldwide.

For those who want to sit back and relax between rounds, Prince Edward Island itself has much to offer. This gentle paradise teems with as much (or as little!) activity as you desire. Not the least of which includes the indulgences of the ocean's bounty including the catch of the day which could include Tuna or marlin or perhaps something else; lobster kept fresh year round; mussels or clams. All of it, of course, accompanied by a PEI potato.

After dinner, or after your round of call, enjoy the rejuvenation of a walk along the miles and miles of champagne-sand beaches. Or take a hike along one of our many nature trails winding across the countryside. You're also welcome to bike across our green rolling hills. Kayak along our beautiful coast, lined with dunes and red cliffs. Go fishing for an 800-lb. blue-fin tuna.

There is truly something here for every outdoor enthusiast.

Shopping, arts, crafts, music festivals and some of the world's best seafood dining are also must-experience attractions for any Prince Edward Island visitor.

And just as we have a wide spectrum of things to do on the Island, we offer a range of accommodations too. From campgrounds, to bed and breakfasts, to hotels and the finest five star resorts.

If you love golfing, or just spending time in a beautiful and rejuvenating haven, look no further than Prince Edward Island, The Gentle Island.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Croquet in the Movies

The sport of croquet in the cinema has yet to have it's "Tin Cup", it's "Longest Yard", or even it's "Rocky". But it pops up in the odd film every now and then. Herein, a list of the most well-known movies which have croquet scenes in them:

Savages, 1972: It demands to be first. The plot actually features croquet prominently, as a group of primitive people chance upon a croquet ball rolling through their woods. They follow the source of the ball back to an abandoned English estate with a croquet course set up. There, they assume the roles of aristocracy as they pretend to be the inhabitants of the estate, following through the motions more or less after some trial and error. This ends when they gather to finish the croquet game, after which they give up all pretense and return to their woods to be savages. It is unclean whether this is done to make a point about the savage nature of mankind or of croquet.

North by Northwest, 1959: The most famous. A brief shot of one of the villains playing solitaire croquet is glimpsed in the beginning of the film.

Heathers, 1989: The most stylish. Here, croquet is played for it's status value by a ruling clique in this teen black comedy. The movie quickly leaves croquet behind however, as all the principles begin killing each other and themselves.

Alice in Wonderland, various remakes: Most whimsical. The croquet scene is interpreted more or less as Lewis Carrol wrote it, most famously in the Disney version. Flamingo mallets, hedgehog balls, and playing-card wickets!

Barry Lyndon, 1975: The least known. Stanley Kubrick had barely begun his career at this point, so this is one of his lesser known works. The lead character plays croquet along the way to ascending the heights of European high society in the 18th century, even teaching it to his son at one point. It is speculated that the prominence of croquet in this film led Kubrick to famously replace the croquet mallet with an ax when he translated Stephen King's novel "The Shining" to film for his next project.

Nosferatu, 1922: Most historic. Two of the characters are engaged in a croquet match, when they are interrupted by the arrival of a letter. A minor plot point, so much so that it is cut from shorter versions. A Room with a View, 1985; Howard's End, 1991; The Remains of the Day, 1993: Most redundant. James Ivory has turned croquet into his main background activity in his films, by which time it may be certain that if a movie shows cultured people in period costumes whacking wooden balls around, it's probably a James Ivory movie on it's way to an Oscar.

Storms At Sea - Preparing For Your Off Season Cruise

Summer is usually the ideal time to take a vacation since the weather is warm and the kids are out of school. The lure of a cruise can be hard to pass up especially since Caribbean cruises can be deeply discounted in summer. The Caribbean has a hurricane season from about early June to late November so before you purchase your dream holiday it is important to keep some things in mind.

Cruise ships are very safe but they aren't indestructible. There have been a few tragedies involving cruise ships in the last decade. This isn't meant to scare you but make you aware that Mother Nature dictates your holiday especially in the hurricane season. Cruise ships are equipped with technology that can forecast weather conditions so don't be unduly concerned.

Cruise lines will always but the safety of its passengers first and will never intentionally go through a storm. Cruise lines can skip or change a port of call with little or no compensation. If the weather is severe they may cancel a cruise all together in which case they will give you a voucher for another cruise at a future date. While understandable, a canceled trip can mean a missed vacation especially if your family's vacation time is limited and not flexible.

Check with the cruise line company or your travel agent for information on changes due to weather. You can also purchase travel insurance but make sure you read the fine print and understand what is covered; some cover none or very little in the case of acts of God.

A storm may not be enough to cancel a cruise and you can still have an enjoyable time. There are activities on the ship that are indoors including exercise classes and shows. Make sure you bring some books and consider bringing a portable DVD player and movies to keep the family occupied.

Make sure you bring sea sick pills. Even if the weather is nice, the waters are sure to be rough. If you get sea sick, head to the center of the ship where swaying is at a minimum.

So your holiday plans are not totally spoiled, have a backup plan in case the cruise is canceled. Plan your embarkation port as a fun city such as Orlando. If your cruise is canceled then you can still head to Orlando and your family can enjoy Disneyworld. Also consider some enjoyable road trip options if the airport at your port city is closed.

Lastly, if you travel in the hurricane season plan for inclement weather and don't get upset if it rains the entire time.

Trampoline must - accessories for safety

Do you remember how much fun it was to jump on a trampoline when you were a little kid? What you probably didn't realize back then is that you were getting a great aerobic workout every time you climbed on the trampoline mat and started jumping up and down. Doctors and physical therapists have since determined that jumping on a trampoline is a great calorie burning, as well as an easy way to reinforce your core muscles, because it forces you to continually adjust your balance while you're jumping. While trampolines can do a lot of things for your health, they can also be dangerous if you don't know how to use them properly.

There have been several studies done by insurance agencies and consumer safety organizations that have found that while the number of trampolines used for recreational purposes is on the rise, so are the frequencies of trampoline related injuries. If you don't want a friend or member of your family to become a part of these statistics, it's important to install the right trampoline accessories so that you can eliminate as many chances for injury as possible. Here are some of the most important accessories to think about purchasing.

Many of the top manufacturers have started to include trampoline pads with their basic recreational trampoline kits. These pads act like cushions that cover the metal trampoline springs and the bars of the frame. The pad is easy to install and usually covers the gap between the trampoline frame and the edge of the mat where the springs are. If you've heard stories about kids who get their legs caught in this gap, or that fall and bang their head on the trampoline railing, this pad is the best way to ensure that this doesn't happen on your trampoline.

Another one of the most important trampoline accessories to install on your structure is a trampoline enclosure. Although some of the more high quality trampolines also include custom made trampoline enclosures with their kits, many people find that it is more cost effective to buy the enclosure separately from an online retailer. Make sure that you choose an enclosure that includes weather resistant cushioning and net material, otherwise you might find that rain, sunlight, and dirt break down the integrity of the coverings, and look poorly on your trampoline. If you have any questions about other accessories, be sure to ask a trampoline salesman that will know about other options.

How to Find a Myrtle Beach Golf Vacation

Golf lovers will not find a better place than Myrtle Beach. There can be no other golf courses anywhere in the world that could match the playing conditions and the serene atmosphere which is perfect for the golf players. The "Grand Stand" is amazing great. The Myrtle Beach is situated exactly at the center of 60 mile stretch between Georgetown and North Carolina. This center has about 110 golf courses and the numbers could have drastically improved in the past 3 years. The number seems to be ever growing in this part of the world. The Grand Stand could be perfectly termed as the Golfer's heaven and is one of the preferred destinations of the world. Since, there are infinite numbers of golf courses, it could be a tedious task to find the right kind of golf course in Myrtle beach. Ideally, any golf course should be an apt choice in this 60 mile stretch. There are certain factors to be considered while selecting the right kind of Golf Course.

Fun and relaxation are the two most important factors. This will help you spend your precious time in a relaxed and prepared for the night of celebration after a tough game on the field. After which the friends of the Gulf a great time and can enjoy activities with their families. Even those who would accompany golfers do one activity may be reasonable to spend their time. Searching for a golf course, which continueshosting some of the famous events. Certain courses will have golf schools which might be of great help for the first time golfers. These courses and schools will help you to overcome the difficulties and can test your mettle.

Choose a course that has a good school in it. This game can be enjoyed to greater extent if you have a partner to compete with. If your partner is one of your friends or family members, it will be good to have a nice competition. It does not matter whether you lose win o. But its meaning and joy to play. The schools offer courses for all types of people, regardless of age, sex. Make sure that the golf course is a quiet environment to enjoy your shots. With the increase in the number of tournaments, there are many festivals such as the Sun Fun Festival, Harley-Davidson Biker Week famous Winter Festival of Lights. Life can be great if you have to celebrate some festivals around the clock.

The golf course should have the meansEnjoy your tea time and relaxation. same time, these facilities must be available at affordable cost. There should be more discounts are offered during the festival. A nearby resort will help you, your family and enjoy the evening. Some beaches offer couples should be discounted. You probably can also plan your weekend trip here to get the best of times.